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A Story Of Gender Differences - 2295 Words

Alex Huerta English 101LC J. Buriel 26 Nov. 2014 Trifles: A Story of Gender Differences Gender is referred to as the social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or female. Scholars generally regard gender as a social construct, meaning that it does not exist naturally, but it is instead a concept that is created by culture and social norms. In society there is a divide between the two genders. Growing up most of the friends kids make are the same gender as them; a girl’s best friend will most likely be female and a boy’s best friend will most likely be male, thus forming alliances. It is a common notion that there are certain things a man would not tell a woman, but would tell a fellow man, just as there are things a woman would feel comfortable sharing with another woman but not with a man. These are loyalties have been in place for quite a while; in modern society the loyalties between genders can be referred to as â€Å"Guy Code† or â€Å"Girl Code.† These loyalties have had such an impact on society that in current media t here are even TV shows that explain these relationships; sure enough the shows are called â€Å"Guy Code† and â€Å"Girl Code† both of them which are currently running on MTV. In the drama â€Å"Trifles† one can identify these relationships between the male and female genders. It is clear that the theme in Susan Glaspell’s drama â€Å"Trifles† is one of gender loyalty and is made evident through Glaspell’s use of plot and character. The drama â€Å"Trifles,† starts offShow MoreRelatedBeing a male or a female is the most important determinant of the person’s directions and interests1700 Words   |  7 Pagesdirections and interests in his/her life. To possess and exhibit the suitable gender characteristics is not an easy mission. 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