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Purpose of Art Essay

The statement â€Å"Anyone who says you can’t see an idea basically doesn’t know art† by Wynetka Ann Reynolds. Rey...

Monday, December 30, 2019

The Dinner for One Movie New Years Eve Tradition

Its a bit bizarre when you think about it. A short British cabaret sketch from the 1920s has become a German New Years tradition. Yet, although The 90th Birthday or Dinner for One is a famous cult classic in Germany and several other European countries, it is virtually unknown in the English-speaking world, including Britain, its birthplace. Although newer versions have been produced, every year around  Silvester  (New Years Eve), German television broadcasts the classic, black-and-white English-language version filmed back in 1963 in Hamburg. All across Germany, from the 31st of December to January 1st, Germans know its the beginning of a new year when they watch this annual event.   The Same Procedure as Every Year The British actor  Freddie Frinton  played the tipsy butler James in the 1963 German TV production. (Frinton died only five years after the Hamburg filming.)  May Warden  played the role of Miss Sophie, who is celebrating her 90th birthday. The only problem is... all of her party guests are imaginary friends who have died off. A German New Years Eve just doesnt seem right without hearing the lines known to just about any living German: The same procedure as last year, Madam? - The same procedure as every year, James. In these politically-correct times, the sketch-in which Miss Sophie and her butler proceed to get thoroughly sloshed-has come under some criticism. But so popular is the perennial Dinner for One that the German airline LTU in former years showed the 15-minute sketch on all its flights between Dec. 28 and Jan. 2, just so passengers wouldnt miss out on the annual tradition. Before its demise at the end of 2005, the GERMAN TV satellite service also broadcast Dinner for One in North America. One commenter also came to the conclusion that there might have been a love affair going on between the two main characters of the play, which always made the butler nervous and gave enough reason to get drunk, but of course, theres no official statement about this. Why Is This Show Cult in Germany? Its honestly difficult to understand. While the show certainly has  its  funny moments, its  humor  simply cant appeal to 18 million viewers every year. My assumption is that in many households the TV is just running and nobody really watches this anymore like it was in my youth, but I might also be completely wrong.  It might also be a representation of the simple need for persistence and continuity in an  ever-changing  world.   More About Dinner for One Watch  the full video  on YouTube  (18mins,  not available in Germany)NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) has a nice section with background info on Dinner for One  Dinner for One von A-Z,  everything you wanted to know about DfO. Original article by: Hyde Flippo Edited on the 28th of June 2015 by: Michael Schmitz

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Negative Effects Of Poverty - 1062 Words

In his quote, Dr. Haim Ginott a child psychologist is famous for stating the following: â€Å"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.† According to Yoshikawa, H., Aber, J. L., Beardslee, W. R. (2012), Poverty is a critical risk factor for many of the mental, emotional and behavioral disorders of children and youth. Across many studies, poverty is associated with a range of negative outcomes for children in the realms of physical health, language, and cognitive development, academic achievement and educational attainment. The problem is that poverty is affecting our children physically, mentally and emotionally. In order to see change, we need to provide help that is not temporary or just keeping families†¦show more content†¦have a foreign-born parent, and 4.2 million children of immigrant parents are poor. It is reported that child poverty in immigrant families is more closely related to low-wage work and barriers to valuable work s upports. According to Farthing, R. (2016), previous discussed the impact of low incomes on family dynamics, with children and young people emphasizing the family stress poverty can induce, from tensions over limited resources, a lack of time together as parents’ juggle work and childcare, to boredom because there was not enough money to do anything together. The solution for children and youth is that since they are surrounded by negative factors, the ideal environment would be promoting self-advocacy and self-awareness through educational purposes such as the local YMCA, to increase activities and afterschool programs. The risk factors for homelessness in children and youth is that the extreme poverty is the strongest predictor of homelessness for families. These families are often forced to choose between housing and other necessities for their survival. At least 11% of American children living in poverty are homeless. Female-headed households (particularly by women with limited education and job skills) are also particularly vulnerable. The current economic climate has made the labor market even less hospitable as many of them do not have more than a high school diploma or GED. Homelessness is linked to poor physical health for childrenShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Poverty1440 Words   |  6 Pages The negative effects of poverty have consistently led to disastrous outcomes for those who attend school in an effort to acquire a better education. These effects might be caused by the home life and financial instability. It could also be an effect on the school, which has suffered from financi al instability. This can lead to an inability to give students the proper time and education that they deserve. Multiple groups are involved in efforts to assist children in poverty by having better schoolRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Poverty On Education790 Words   |  4 Pageslife, that can make a negative impact on their education. Students who live in poverty go through more stressful situations at an earlier age. Those situations can keep them from having academic success because they have too many other distractions in their life. The schools that have more low income families are amongst those who have the lowest test scores and the highest drop out rates. 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Impact on Development The developmental theme includedRead MorePoverty : A Economic Disparity Between The Rich And Poor1361 Words   |  6 Pagespercent of the population lives in crippling poverty (Baker, 2013). Poverty is usually defined in either absolute or relative terms. Absolute poverty refers to the standard of living, which is reflected in satisfying the needs for basic survival (Rahim, Abidin, Ping, Alias, and, Muhammad, 2014). Relative poverty is reflected in the income gap between the rich and the poor (Rahim, et al., 2014). The study of poverty is often linked to globalization, and the effect of globalization on the world’s poor isRead MoreEffects Of Poverty On Children1554 Words   |  7 PagesEffects of Poverty on Children Makayla Ray University of Alabama in Birmingham Abstract This literature review of twelve previously published research articles has focused on summarizing some of the effects of poverty on children. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Media ethics in advertising Free Essays

Media ethics is defined as, the norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about the conduct of dealing with particular ethical principles applied by the media organizations, while advertising ethics is an emotional process that is normally applied by the media organizations to reach the general public, with a core objective of creating persuasion to the audiences to take a particular action on a particular product or event being advertised. Although there are no laws governing the communication process carried out by most advertising agencies, the media organisation pursuing the advertisements are basically regulated by the self organisation so as to ,maintain the standards and reputation of the media organisation to the public. The advertising media may include; advertising agencies, news papers, films, television stations and radio stations depending on the preferences of the product manufactures. We will write a custom essay sample on Media ethics in advertising or any similar topic only for you Order Now [1] In this case, we find that most businessmen use the media as their means of promoting their products to the market, through advertising, which is said to increase the audiences’ need for consuming particular products that are presented by the media, and its through this advertising that the society is notified of the presence of a new product in the market, we see that once a product is bought, another product emerges in the market. Therefore, advertising is used to influence the decision making process of a particular audience to purchase a particular product due to desires created by the media through its attractive presentation of the products quality. In this case, the audiences are said to be a major factor in median advertising communication, since it is through the audiences that the conveying and sourcing of information by the media for business organizations is made successful. The media itself regards the audience as being passive in the interpretation of media messages. And it is in this messages that the media gets the power to influences the audience. These audiences can be noticed by the specific needs that are always specific, whereby they are forced to look upon the media so as they can derive their satisfaction.[2] The audiences are therefore, forced to tolerate various advertising information done by the media depending on their desire to fulfill their specified needs.   Personality under this, we find that the audience have the urge of using the advertisements on the media wanting to compare themselves with other people in the society, or even compare their lifestyle and situations with others so that they can identify their status in the society, therefore they are forced to watch, read or listen to particular media items despite the fact that they are adverts. The need for dependency makes the audience to be looking upon the media to be given information about the events taking place and the products present in the market globally, so they have to tolerate the messages by the media so as they get the information about a particular event taking place. In this case we find that the audience read, listen and interpret the message depending on their socio-economic class, gender, age, education and their ethnic backgrounds, in this manner we find that they are influenced by the media to carry out a particular action or even to copy the concepts of life shown in the message that is put across to them through advertisements. We see that the audience is made aware of the product and how they are to obtain it. Awareness is a stage where a consumer or the audience must have the knowledge of the existence of a particular product in the market, this is because, if a buyer is not aware of the product then there will be no action taken on the purchasing process and the business owner is likely to undergo losses due to lack of the market for its product. The media also creates interest to the audience about a particular product, he intends to buy, and therefore, he is persuaded by the content of the message presented by the media that the product is relevant to his needs.[3] Through the media, understanding is imposed on the audience whereby, the consumer should be able to know how the particular product will meet his needs, thus the media includes the benefits and the procedures of using a particular product, under this, and the media practices its role of educating its audience. Media ethics plays a major role in the creation of attitude of the audiences; under this, the consumer must be able to develop a positive feeling towards the product, depending on the persuasive message given by the media about the product. And finally we see that the audience is led to the purchase of the product, although it may take some time later after trying to get the shop that stocks the favorite this also enriches both the business and the media when the goods are sold. So, most media houses take this advantage of their presentation of the product to give various products false information so that, it may get its awareness by the audience. We find the advertisers use various methods to influence the society at large, this include: Disinformation is the passing of false information by the media. This act include   the giving out of counterfeit information or photographs   about a particular product, with an intention of misleading the audience by convincing them to believe the untruth statements, so that they engage in a particular activity so as the source of the particular information may benefit. This practice is not only practiced by the business owners, but it is also used by various political leaders and the government, who influence the media organizations to disseminate certain information that is meant to undermine other leaders in the government and through this, we find that the audience are led to take an action depending on the message given to them by the media who are surely, aware that the information included in the advertisement is not true.   This is usually referred to as false advertising in which the advertising agencies use a deliberate untrue statement to gain a profitable advantage; under this many consumers are persuaded to engage in business transactions or activities that will fulfill the need of the advertisement.[4] The business owners are said to using the following methods to influence the consumers to purchase their products this includes: Pricing Methods; this is the most applied practice by most business owners, it is said to be the prime way to deceit consumers into paying more than the advertised price, we find that, they advertise a particular sale price and when one gets to the shop he finds that the price is not the exact advertised price in the media. The other method applied by the business men is the introductory offer, this applied only for a period of time, where we see that when a new product is brought into the market, there is always an introductory offer to the consumers and after the expiry of the introductory time, the consumers who had accepted the first offer are not noticed on the changes and they are found to be buying the products thus benefiting the producers. The intention for this is to have the consumers to get used to the first offer whereby they continue buying the products without the knowledge of an increase in the price; this practice is usually used on the selling of electronic appliances. The other deceptive method used by the advertisers is the; misrepresentation; this is a situation where, a particular product is given some descriptive values that it actually doesn’t carry, this is mainly used to mislead the consumers that a particular product posses, an example of this is the case where most consumers were misled by a message showing that a higher level of animal care is provided, than was actually the case by the United Egg Producers’ logo on egg cartons   which said â€Å"Animal Care Certified† [5] Other producers are better known for misleading their consumers by the use of over sizing and under sizing the packages of the products, we find that most of the packages are packed leaving some vacant spaces at the top, this is basically found in products that are normally packed in cans and this character is not noticed until it is purchased and opened by the consumer, this is mostly deceptive where the consumer is convinced that the weight and size of the product is worth the money he is paying for the product. This method is deceptive in a manner that we find that the packaging is of the same size but it carries a less product than before. Thus the consumers continue buying the products knowing that the quantity of the product is still the same as it was in the beginning, and the unethical practices appears when the label on the product is changed to be a sign of the new amount of the product, but it is always presented in a manner that is not easily noticeable. Sexuality is another concept used by most businesses whereby, it is argued that this method is the most effective for drawing the consumers’ immediate interest, holding it and, in the long run, introducing a product that associates with that interest created by the media. In this case we find that various images of pretty women are related to an advertisement which does not accurately connect with the characteristics of the product being advertised. This method is normally used in advertising cosmetic products, whereby the display of sexual acts are highly said to be explicit to the consumers thus enhancing attractive features of the products. The sex appeal may be presented in an electronic media such as the radio, where there is a limitation on visual activities; therefore the advertisers opt to use a voice that reveals a particular emotion after the use of the particular good, while in print and television media the use of sexual images is exclusively used.[6]   Though this advertising may also have some negative impacts on the audience whereby, we may find that the person may not be able to fulfill the desires created in him on the purchasing of that particular good due to the economic status of the audience, then the person ends up creating anxiety, stress and frustration depending on the kind of information given by the media. The media organizations and the business owners are advised to be loyal to its audience and the consumers of their particular products so that they can keep the ethical standards and reputation of their organizations. References Couldry, N. and Curran, J. (2003): Contesting Media Power, Alternative media in a Networked world, Lanham and Oxford, Rowman and Littlefield. Christians, C. G. et al. (2004): Media Ethics, Cases Moral Reasoning; 7th Edn: New York, Allyn and Bacon. Croteau, D. and Hoynes, W. (2000): Media Society: Industries, Images and Audiences, Second Edition, Thousand Oaks, Pine Forge Press. Patterson, P. L.   and Wilkins, C. (2004): Media Ethics, Issues Cases, 5th edition: New York, McGraw Hill Richards, J. I. (1990): Deceptive Advertising; Erlbaum at p. 20. [1] Richards, J. I. (1990): Deceptive Advertising; Erlbaum at p. 20. [2] Richards, J. I. (1990): Deceptive Advertising; Erlbaum at p. 20. [3] Patterson, P. L.   and Wilkins, C. (2004): Media Ethics, Issues Cases, 5th   edition: New York, McGraw Hill [4] Patterson, P. L.   and Wilkins, C. (2004): Media Ethics, Issues Cases, 5th   edition: New York, McGraw Hill [5] Couldry, N. and Curran, J. (2003): Contesting Media Power, Alternative media in a Networked world, Lanham and Oxford, Rowman and Littlefield. [6] Croteau, D. and Hoynes, W. (2000): Media Society: Industries, Images and Audiences, Second Edition, Thousand Oaks, Pine Forge Press. How to cite Media ethics in advertising, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Teen Literacy free essay sample

This affect stays with people through out their lives and affects adults as well. There are cures but they do take a while to work. If people don’t practice the cures everyday then they will not be as effective. Teachers have noticed many grammar mistakes in children’s writing and on their homework. It is the teachers responsibility to correct the children’s mistakes. A new language has developed through the social medium of text messaging. Abbreviations and slang have replaced vocabulary. Is it possible that text messaging is disintegrating children’s knowledge of proper sentence structure? Texting is a huge part of teenagers lives. Teenagers start to receive cell phones at the age of 12. . I believe this is a really young age to start receiving cell phones. Teenagers literacy is affected by texting. If they receive phones younger, their literacy gets worse as the years progress. Girls literacy is affected more than guys because girls are more bound to text than guys. We will write a custom essay sample on Teen Literacy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2/3 of teens surveyed in the Pew research claim they are more apt to text with their phones than actually speak. The cure to fixing teenagers literacy is making them write. If you make your son or daughter write long paragraphs and point out where they abbreviated or spelt something wrong, it will make them want to correct what was wrong because they don’t want to do it again. Although, many teenagers do not want to practice writing, they do not only have to practice by writing, they can practice while texting. If they start to spell words out while texting, they will learn the proper way to spell it and won’t want to abbreviate, because they will realize that spelling the whole word out properly only took two more seconds than abbreviating. . School also plays a big role in affecting teen literacy. Teachers take on a huge roll for students writing, and literacy. It is the teachers job to correct teens when abbreviating a word in an essay. If teachers don’t correct students, students will think it is okay to keep writing the way their writing and will never want to fix it. . Considering most teachers also texted when they were teens and still text now, it is harder for them to find some of the mistakes an older teacher would find, because their minds have been corrupted with the texting world. Teachers also enjoy using abbreviations while texting because it does same time, when trying to type or write something really long. No one is destroying the English language, the English language just keeps changing. This is due to texting, there is no one to blame. It has been proved, that â€Å"hyper-texting† does exist, but what is â€Å"hyper-texting†? â€Å"Hyper-texting† is sending more than 120 texts a day. This can lead if an increased risk of smoking, drinking, physical violence and sexual activity. Since texting has become a huge part of peoples lives, cell phone companies have tried to figure out a way to improve peoples spelling mistakes and abbreviations. Recently, all cell phones have been give auto correct. This helps everyone learn how to correctly type a message and fix any mistakes that may have been created. Teen literacy has been affected in many ways, texting is only one but major way it has been affected. Teen’s grammar appears to really be changing in homework. It is the teacher’s responsibility to do their job and correct children when they are wrong, but teachers were once teenagers and don’t always catch mistakes because they abbreviate as well. There is a social as well as a physical impact on teenagers lives. Many people try to present change as a negative way, but its not a good idea. Children are just going with society, there is no one to blame but society. With texting, teens always feel connected with their friends, they’re never alone. â€Å"About 75 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds in the United States own cellphones, and 75 percent of these teens send text messages.